Item | Presenter | Notes | |||||||||
Operational Issues | |||||||||||
XRootD Managers De-VMWareification (Moving to physical hosts) | |||||||||||
XRootD collaboration Meeting | 1 - streamed checksum validation We're planning to implement a streamed checksum implementation in XrdCeph (computing checksum at the server and writing it into metadata directly instead of reading back) and give it a few months of validation testing comparing it to the read back checksum. Tests have already shown a good improvement in performance when done this way.
2 -xrdceph plans: We're planning to move away from libradosstriper into using rados directly for future proofing and performance improvements as well as merge our fork into core xrootd.
3- backward compatibility with 'broken' clients this was following an incident where ATLAS were trying to use 5.6.0 clients with their older analysis software, which had a TLS bug causing transfer failures against endpoints supporting tokens over IPv4. We mitigated it with the NOTLSOK environment variable, but it'd be good to have a consensus on how to deal with clients with known issues. | ||||||||||
cms-aaa naming convention | cms-aaa is the only remaining personality to use proxy/ceph as the xrootd service names Separate naming convention would be more appropriate, to have main/supporting (not so urgent). CC created, and sandbox is prepared and has been tested on a test host | ||||||||||
cms-aaa jemalloc use | testing on svc20, some memory leak still present | ||||||||||
Compilation and rollout status of RAL XRootD versions | 5.7.2 published. 5.7.2 skipped on farm due to pfc bug, 5.7.3 released | ||||||||||
Shoveler | |||||||||||
On the fly Checksums
| |||||||||||
Deletions |
| NTR | |||||||||
XRootD Writable Workernode Gateway Hackaton | The sandbox is deployed to the whole preprod farm. LHCb uploads look OK, Atlas and CMS have not tested the new setup yet. | ||||||||||
Plan: file query system to summarize XRootD Logs | Plan to create a system to store info from across all gateways to search a filename and get creation time, last write time, last successful stat and deletion time in case of ‘lost’ files. Possible graduate sideproject. | ||||||||||
100 GbE Gateway testing: | UKSRC - Acting as source for SRCNet verification tests; not being stressed so far … Teir-1 . | ||||||||||
UKSRC Storage Architecture | Superspine connection review today. To discuss with Tom B re. Ceph configuration | ||||||||||
Tokens Status |