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Apologies:James Walder

\uD83E\uDD45 Goals

  • List of Epics

  • New tickets

  • Consider new functionality / items

  • Detailed discussion of important topics

  • Site report activity





ReadV rollout status

June 2023: Vector Read rollout (with XCache)
Large-scale vector read patch: notes

2017-xma seem to have issues (possibly IOPs limit) (~30% failure rate on vread test) (memory allocation errors)

2018>should be fine according to preliminary test, more data incoming Monday

likely to move ahead on deployment ~Tuesday

2017 would be retired ~soon

Echo was fine

5.3.3 to 5.5.4 includes more changes that might be causing the 2017 failure (apart from vread)

EBUSY in readV requests (TBD)

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Actions to analysis the existing behaviour with the read request (where EBUSY) is already handled.

SEGV investigations with -S multi-stream flags

CMSD status

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

single slash behaviour with cmsd redirector

“/” vs “//” issue:

  • Characterise the behaviour

  • Understand if this is something we need to provide some mitigating action on?


  • Insist clients use “filesystem” like access (i.e. //) for root

  • Allow mixed use filesystem and object id access. Add all.export <pool> lines for each pool

    1. can even remove the “/” export and add explicitly:
      (/store would stay as /store)

      Code Block
      all.export <pool:>
      all.export /<pool:>
  • Understand / create / fix(?) oss.statlib functionality to behave as expected from xrd-dev perspective

    Sandbox updated to “latest and greatest”:

    Contains working solution for / and // file access (but explicitly exporting the pool and /pool names.
    Passed Andy H the config to spot any improvements, and to see if he can understand what’s happening.
    Above sandbox contains best knowledge, pending tunings gains through testing.

    Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC) idea to incorporate CMSD setup into xrootd / webdav alias is good idea:
    however manager hosts don’t have relevant SANs:

    Can continue with testing, etc. if we need to wait for these.

    ATLAS Token testing

    James working on functional tests for ATLAS testing

    on GGUS:

    Site reports

    ✅ Action items
