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Octavia provides network load balancing for OpenStack and is the reference implementation LBaaS (Load Balancer as a Service). Since the OpenStack Liberty release, Octavia has fully replaced and has become the reference implementation for Load Balancing as a Service (LBaaS v2).


This quick start assumes you have a VM set up with SSH and a webserver that you want to expose. The steps included are applicable to other ports and services too. This example assumes you’ve configured your machine following Running an NGinX webserver inside a Docker container. The steps will be similar for bespoke systems too.


UDP-CONNECT - Checks for an open udp socket.



LBaaS v2: Heat Stacks

Load balancing in a template consists of:

  • Pool: A group of servers which are identified by their floating IP addresses. The size of the pool can be increased or decreased in response to traffic to the instances detected by the load balancer.

  • Listener: Represent a listening endpoint for the vip. Listener resources listen for the client traffic.

  • Health Monitor: Monitors the health of the pool.

  • Load Balancer: Balances the traffic to server pools. In combination with the health monitor and listener, the load balancer can redistribute traffic to servers in the event of one server failing for example.

Octavia Resources in Heat

Code Block
  type: OS::Octavia::Pool
    ## required ##########
    lb_algorithm: String #algorithm to distribute the load between the members of the pool: ROUND_ROBIN, LEAST_CONNECTIONS, SOURCE_IP
    protocol: String #protocol of the pool: TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, TERMINATED_HTTPS, SOURCE_IP

    ## optional ##########
    admin_state_up: Boolean #the administrative state of the pool
    description: String #description of the pool
    listener: String #listener name/ID to be associated with the pool
    loadbalancer: String #the loadbalancer name/ID to be associated to the pool
    name: String #name of this pool
    session_persistence: {"type": String, "cookie_name": String} #configuration of session persistence.
      #required - type: the method of session persistence feature: SOURCE_IP, HTTP_COOKIE, APP_COOKIE
      #optional - cookie_name: name of the cookie - required if type is APP_COOKIE
    tls_enabled: Boolean #default - false. Enable backend member re-encryption

  type: OS::Octavia::Listener
    ## required ############
    protocol: String # protocol on which to listen for client traffic: TCP, HTTP, HTTP/S, TERMINATED_HTTPS, PROXY, UDP
    protocol_port: Integer # TCP or UDP Port on which to listen for client traffic

    ## optional ############
    admin_state_up: Boolean
    allowed_cidrs: [String, String, ...]
    connection_limit: Integer
    default_pool: String
    default_tls_container_ref: String
    description: String
    loadbalancer: String
    name: String
    sni_container_refs: [Value, Value, ...]
    tenant_id: String

  type: OS::Octavia::HealthMonitor
    ## required properties ############
    delay: Integer #(seconds) minimum time between regular connections of pool member
    max_retries: Integer # max number of permissible connection failures before changing member status to INACTIVE
    pool: String #name/ID of load balancing pool (type: octavia.pool)
    timeout: Integer # maximum number of seconds for a monitor to wait for a connection to be established before timeout.
    type: String #type of health monitor: PING, TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, UDP-CONNECT
    ## Optional ##############
    admin_state_up: Boolean #(default: true) administrative state of a health monitor.
    expected_codes: String #expected HTTP codes for a healthy monitor e.g. a single value (200), a list (200,202), or a range (202-204)
    http_method: String #method used for requests by HTTP monitor
    tenant_id: String #ID of tenant which owns the monitor
    url_path: String #HTTP path used in the HTTP request used by the monitor to test a member's health

  type: OS::Octavia::LoadBalancer
    ## required ############
    vip_subnet: String #name/ID of the subnet on which to allocate the VIP address
    ## optional ############
    admin_state_up: Boolean #administrative state of the load balancer (default: true)
    description: String #description of the load balancer
    flavor: String #name/id of the flavor of the load balancer
    name: String #name of the loadbalancer
    provider: String #the provider of this load balancer
    tenant_id: String #id of the tenant which owns the loadbalancer
    vip_address: String #IP address for the VIP

The table below lists the attributes for each resource:

Code Block
| Resource                          | Attributes
| OS::Octavia::LoadBalancer         | **flavor_id:** The flavor ID of the LoadBalancer<br><br>**pools:** the pools this LoadBalancer is associated with<br><br>**show:** detailed       information about the resource<br><br>**vip_address:** the VIP addresses of the LoadBalancer<br><br>**vip_port_id:** the VIP port of the LoadBalancer<br>           <br>**vip_subnet_id:** the VIP subnet of LoadBalancer   |
| OS::Octavia::Pool                 | **healthmonitor_id:** the ID of the health monitor associated with this pool<br><br>**listeners:** listener associated with this pool <br><br>**members:** members associated with this pool<br><br>**show:** detailed information about resource                                                                                                             |
| OS::Octavia::HealthMonitor        | **pool:** the list of pools related to this monitor<br><br>**show:** detailed information about the resource                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| OS::Octavia::Listener             | **default_pool_id:** ID of the default pool the listener is associated to<br><br>**loadbalancers:** the ID of the load balancer this listener     is associated to<br><br>**show:** detailed information about resource                                                                                                                                               |


The example below shows how the Octavia resources can be defined in a Heat Template.

Code Block
#HTTP health monitor
  type: OS::Octavia::HealthMonitor
    delay: 3 #three second delay
    type: "HTTP"
    timeout: 3 # seconds
    max_retries: 3
    pool: {get_resource: pool}
    url_path: /healthcheck #this is a URL path that is configured on the servers in the pool that the monitor can reach to check pool health.

  type: OS::Octavia::Pool
    lb_algorithm: "LEAST_CONNECTIONS" #the preferred algorithm
    protocol: "HTTP"
    listener: {get_resource: listener}

  type: OS::Octavia::PoolMember
    address: {get_attr: [server, first_address]}
    pool: {get_resource: pool}
    protocol_port: 80
    subnet: {get_param: private_subnet}

  type: OS::Octavia::Listener
    protocol: "HTTP"
    protocol_port: 80 # listen on the HTTP port
    loadbalancer: {get_resource: lb}

  #define the load balancer and the private subnet to use
  type: OS::Octavia::LoadBalancer
    vip_subnet: <private-subnet-id>

# Attach a floating IP to the load balancer
  # Associate a floating IP to the Load Balancer so that it can be accessed
  # using an external IP
  type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation
    floatingip_id: <floating-ip-id>
    port_id: {get_attr: [lb,vip_port_id]}

