Copy your application credentials,
into the management_cluster dir
Info |
You will need to add |
Add your allocated floating IP to
Run the bootstrap script
Code Block |
clusterctl init --infrastructure=openstack:v0.10.45 --kubeconfig=$CLUSTER_NAME.kubeconfig clusterctl move --to-kubeconfig $CLUSTER_NAME.kubeconfig -n clusters |
Code Block |
# Update the cluster to ensure everything lines up with your helm chart helm upgrade cluster-api-addon-provider capi-addons/cluster-api-addon-provider --install --wait --version 0.57.90 -n clusters helm upgrade $CLUSTER_NAME capi/openstack-cluster --install -f values.yaml -f clouds.yaml -f user-values.yaml -f flavors.yaml --wait -n clusters |
A Ubuntu machine is used to provide the minikube cluster. This should use the normal cloud Ubuntu image, not the stripped down CAPI image designed for nodes.
The latest validated versions can be found at https://github.com/stfc/cloud-capi-values/blob/master/dependencies.json where they map to
The following packages are required and can be installed and configured using the following commands:
Code Block |
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/releases/download/v1.7.4$cluster-ctl-version/clusterctl-linux-amd64 -o clusterctl chmod +x ./clusterctl sudo mv ./clusterctl /usr/local/bin/clusterctl clusterctl init --infrastructure=openstack:v0.10.4$capo-provider-version |
If you run into GitHub rate limiting you will have to generate a personal API token as described here. This only requires the Repo scope, and is set on the CLI as follows
Place this file in the
directory you cloned earlier.Deploy the cluster requirements
Code Block helm repo add capi https://stackhpcazimuth-cloud.github.io/capi-helm-charts helm repo add capi-addons https://stackhpcazimuth-cloud.github.io/cluster-api-addon-provider helm repo update kubectl create namespace clusters helm upgrade cluster-api-addon-provider capi-addons/cluster-api-addon-provider --install --wait -n clusters --version 0.5.9$addon-version
Follow the instructions in https://stfc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CLOUDKB/pages/211878034/Cluster+API+Setup#Deploying-Cluster