OpenStack Load Balancers in External K8s configurations

OpenStack Load Balancers in External K8s configurations

The deployment setup for Cluster API and helm charts will automatically deploy Openstack load balancers. Attempting to deploy this method too will result in conflicts.

These instructions are for users who have deployed RKE / K3s or other K8s deployments without the helm chart.


Load balancers are managed by the external Openstack controller driver. This is deployment agnostic, i.e. can be used on Cluster API, RKE and other K8s deployments.


git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-openstack cd cluster-api-provider-openstack
  • Generate the secret containing the clouds conf:

# Substitute <cloud> with the name from the clouds.yaml file templates/create_cloud_conf.sh ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml <cloud> > /tmp/cloud.conf kubectl create secret -n kube-system generic cloud-config --from-file=/tmp/cloud.conf rm /tmp/cloud.conf
  • Deploy the out of tree controller module

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/master/manifests/controller-manager/cloud-controller-manager-roles.yaml kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/master/manifests/controller-manager/cloud-controller-manager-role-bindings.yaml kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/master/manifests/controller-manager/openstack-cloud-controller-manager-ds.yaml
  • Check the Openstack controller manager deploys:


The Openstack Controller Manager will automatically register itself as a loadbalancer provider.

Deployments / charts which use the loadbalancer port type will automatically provision a load balancer within Openstack. Additionally, a floating IP can be specified (this must belong to the Openstack project) and will be used for an idempotent deployment.

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