DataCite Metadata Schema Properties
Based on the DataCite Metadata Schema 4.4, some property names may conflict with the JSON returned by the DataCite API, which should be taken as the source of truth for the code itself.
The main ID represents a direct child of the the main <resource/> tag: N
Subsequent numbers on the ID indicate a child of the tag with the main ID: N.M
Letters indicate an attribute of a tag, rather than a child: N.M.a
Partially supported
Not supported
Actions / Possible Source
No action needed
Low priority
High priority
Not evaluated
NB: some attributes may not be supported, but not require action due to the attribute not being relevant for our purposes.
Mandatory Properties
Note that some (child) tags/attributes may not actually be mandatory if they can occur zero times. Similarly, some tags are optional, but their children are required.
ID | Property | Occurence | Source | Actions / Possible Source |
1 | Identifier | 1 | Prefix from settings, suffix from DataCite response |
└── 1.a | identifierType | 1 | DataCite response |
2 | Creator | 1-n | Specified by user in DG |
├── 2.1 | creatorName | 1 | User.fullName (nullable) |
│ └── 2.1.a | nameType | 0-1 | “Personal” |
├── 2.2 | givenName | 0-1 | User.givenName (nullable) |
├── 2.3 | familyName | 0-1 | User.familyName (nullable) |
├── 2.4 | 0-n | API now populates from DB | User.orcidId (nullable, defined for~13% of DLS users) other schemes are possible, but not represented in ICAT | |
│ ├── 2.4.a | nameIdentifierScheme | 1 | Hardcoded | “ORCID” |
│ └── 2.4.b | schemeURI | 0-1 | Hardcoded | |
└── 2.5 | affiliation | 0-n | hardcoded to first Affiliation only as User table only supports a single string, and is used as source | Support multiple affiliations (ICAT 5 table, none defined yet for DLS) |
├── 2.5.a | affiliationIdentifier | 0-n | hardcoded to first Affiliation only | Support multiple affiliations |
├── 2.5.b | affiliationIdentifierScheme | 1 | “ROR” (hardcoded but ICAT schema indicates “Identifier such as ROR or ISNI” | We hardcode to use the ROR to get an identifier from the name ofthe affiliation |
└── 2.5.c | schemeURI | 0-1 | Hardcoded to | Hardcode to whatever corresponds to 2.5.b (e.g. ) |
3 | Title | 1-n | Specified by user in DG (1) |
└── 3.a | titleType | 0-1 |
| Types only relevant when not the “main” title, we only pass 1 title so this is not needed |
4 | Publisher | 1 | Settings |
5 | PublicationYear | 1 | Automatic |
10 | ResourceType | 1 | Hardcoded to Experimental Data or Experimental Dataset for Dataset, Collection respectively (worry that exposing free text field to user may result in innappropriate use - e.g. too long, too specific etc.) | Free text field, could:
└── 10.a | resourceTypeGeneral | 1 | “Dataset”, “Collection” |
Recommended Properties
ID | Property | Occurence | Source | Possible Actions |
6 | Subject | 0-n |
| Free text field, could:
├── 6.a | subjectScheme | 0-1 |
| Dependent on there being a well defined scheme for 6 |
├── 6.b | schemeURI | 0-1 |
| Dependent on there being a well defined scheme for 6 |
├── 6.c | valueURI | 0-1 |
| Dependent on there being a well defined scheme for 6 |
└── 6.d | classificationCode | 0-1 |
| Dependent on there being a well defined scheme for 6 |
7 | Contributor | 0-n | Supported in the backend via optional | Currently everyone is mapped as a |
├── 7.a | 1 |
| This would need additional UI element compared to | |
├── 7.1 | contributorName | 1 |
| See |
│ └── 7.1.a | nameType | 0-1 |
| See |
├── 7.2 | givenName | 0-1 |
| See |
├── 7.3 | familyName | 0-1 |
| See |
├── 7.4 | nameIdentifier | 0-n |
| See |
│ ├── 7.4.a | nameIdentifierScheme | 1 |
| See |
│ └── 7.4.b | schemeURI | 0-1 |
| See |
└── 7.5 | affiliation | 0-n |
| See |
├── 7.5.a | affiliationIdentifier | 0-n |
| See |
├── 7.5.b | affiliationIdentifierScheme | 1 |
| See |
└── 7.5.c | schemeURI | 0-1 |
| See |
8 | Date | 0-n | Automatic (1) |
├── 8.a | dateType | 1 | “Created” |
└── 8.b | dateInformation | 0-1 |
| Only needed if further clarification needed for the date |
12 | RelatedIdentifier | 0-n | Supported in DOI API, not supported in DG | DOI API expects this to be provided in full from frontend, and then creates ICAT entries from it (including fields absent here, such as a title):
├── 12.a | 1 |
| Controlled list of UID types, DOI is most relevant for us? | |
├── 12.b | 1 |
| Relatively well defined list, offer as a select element in UI? | |
├── 12.c | relatedMetadataScheme | 0-1 |
| Only relevant for |
├── 12.d | schemeURI | 0-1 |
| Only relevant for |
├── 12.e | schemeType | 0-1 |
| Only relevant for |
└── 12.f | resourceTypeGeneral | 0-1 |
| See 10.1 |
17 | Description | 0-n | Specified by user in DG (1) |
└── 17.a | 1 | Can be provided with request, otherwise defaults to “Other” | Not sure how we manage to avoid setting this. Well defined list, offer a select in UI or just hardcode to “abstract”? | |
18 | GeoLocation | 0-n | Statically set from settings file | Just hardcode this for the location of the facility (probably via settings file?) |
├── 18.1 | geoLocationPoint | 0-1 | Statically set from settings file | See 18 |
│ ├── 18.1.1 | pointLongitude | 1 | Statically set from settings file | See 18 |
│ └── 18.1.2 | pointLatitude | 1 | Statically set from settings file | See 18 |
├── 18.2 | geoLocationBox | 0-1 |
| See 18 |
│ ├── 18.1.1 | westBoundLongitude | 1 |
| See 18 |
│ ├── 18.2.2 | eastBoundLongitude | 1 |
| See 18 |
│ ├── 18.2.3 | southBoundLatitude | 1 |
| See 18 |
│ └── 18.2.4 | borthBoundLatitude | 1 |
| See 18 |
├── 18.3 | geoLocationPlace | 0-1 |
| See 18 |
└── 18.4 | geoLocationPolygon | 0-n |
| See 18 |
├── 18.4.1 | polygonPoint | 4-n |
| See 18 |
│ ├── | pointLongitude | 1 |
| See 18 |
│ └── | pointLatitude | 1 |
| See 18 |
└── 18.4.2 | inPolygonPoint | 0-1 |
| See 18 |
├── | pointLongitude | 1 |
| See 18 |
└── | pointLatitude | 1 |
| See 18 |
Optional Properties
ID | Property | Occurence | Source | Possible Actions |
9 | Language | 0-1 |
| Hardcode to “en” |
11 | AlternateIdentifier | 0-n |
| Could populate with ICAT id for the DataPublication |
└── 11.a | alternateIdentifierType | 1 |
| Could populate with description of ICAT id for the DataPublication |
13 | Size | 0-n |
| Sum all the fileSizes (might need to be careful to not double count if multiple layers of the hierarchy are included) |
14 | Format | 0-n |
| Auto populate from constituent |
15 | Version | 0-1 |
| May be relevant if we start versioning to account for removal of data? |
16 | Rights | 0-n | Statically set from settings file | Dependent on data policy, but if desired settings file seems like best source |
├── 16.a | rightsURI | 0-1 | Statically set from settings file | See 16 |
├── 16.b | rightsIdentifier | 0-1 | Statically set from settings file | See 16 |
├── 16.c | rightsIdentifierScheme | 0-1 | Statically set from settings file | See 16 |
└── 16.d | schemeURI | 0-1 | Statically set from settings file | See 16 |
19 | FundingReference | 0-n |
| ICAT entity exists, but not clear how it will be populated:
├── 19.1 | funderName | 1 |
├── 19.2 | funderIdentifier | 0-1 |
│ ├── 19.2.a | funderIdentifierType | 0-1 |
| Attempt to guess from 19.2? |
│ └── 19.2.b | schemeURI | 0-1 |
| Attempt to guess from 19.2? |
├── 19.3 | awardNumber | 0-1 |
│ └── 19.3.a | awardURI | 0-1 |
| Not a field in ICAT, difficult to guess? |
└── 19.4 | awardTitle | 0-1 |
20 | RelatedItem | 0-n |
| Seems to be intended for “a journal or book of which the article or chapter is part” - this is not relevant for data, and any use cases for relations should (?) be covered by 12 |
├── 20.a | relatedItemType | 0-n |
| See 20 |
├── 20.b | relationType | 0-n |
| See 20 |
├── 20.1 | relatedItemIdentifier | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
│ ├── 20.1.a | relatedItemIdentifierType | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
│ ├── 20.1.b | relatedMetadataScheme | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
│ ├── 20.1.c | schemeURI | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
│ └── 20.1.d | schemeType | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.2 | creator | 0-n |
| See 20 |
│ ├── 20.2.1 | creatorName | 1 |
| See 20 |
│ │ └── 20.2.1.a | nameType | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
│ ├── 20.2.2 | givenName | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
│ └── 20.2.3 | familyName | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.3 | title | 1-n |
| See 20 |
│ └── 20.3.a | titleType | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.4 | publicationYear | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.5 | volume | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.6 | issue | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.7 | number | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
│ └── 20.7.a | numberType | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.8 | firstPage | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.9 | lastPage | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.10 | publisher | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.11 | edition | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
└── 20.12 | contributor | 0-n |
| See 20 |
├── 20.12.a | contributorType | 1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.12.1 | contributorName | 1 |
| See 20 |
│ └── 20.12.1.a | nameType | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
├── 20.12.2 | givenName | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
└── 20.12.3 | familyName | 0-1 |
| See 20 |
Other Properties
These are sent to the DataCite API as JSON alongside the above, but do not form part of the schema (here for completeness).
ID | Property | Occurence | Source |
| url | 1 | Settings and |
| event | 1 | “publish” |