User Metadata to DOI
A New DOI must be inserted for every new DataPublication created.
It is assumed that this endpoint will be called as and when a DOI/ Datapublication needs to be created. The process of creating a DOI is split into 2 parts:
creating a draft to populate the DataPublication
creating a findable DOI (moving from draft to findable) once the DP has been created.
More info DOI states can be found here
The information that goes into the DOI is taken from the API request.
Below is a mapping of user-supplied metadata that the API inserts into the DOI followed by an example.
Key | Source | Comments |
| Datacite | Returned from datacite when the draft is created. See here |
| Datacite | Returned from datacite when the draft is created. See here |
| config + ICAT | A base url is set which the DP ID is added to. |
| Based on values here |
| Taken from API request |
| Trys to search based on API Request |
| Returned through the ROR API | |
| API | Hardcoded to ROR |
| Taken from API request |
| API | Hardcoded to “Diamond Light Source” |
| API | Generated at the time of minting |
| API | Based on values here |
| API | Generated at the time of minting |
| Taken from API request |
| Datacite | Returned from datacite when the draft is created. See here |
| Datacite | Returned from datacite when the draft is created. See here |
| Datacite | Returned from datacite when the draft is created. See here |
| Taken from API request |
Example request
Below is an example of a request that can be made to the API
"metadata": {
"creators": [
"name": "James T Kirk",
"givenName": "James",
"familyName": "Kirk",
"nameType": "Personal",
"email": "",
"affiliation": "University of Something"
"title": "A Title",
"fullReference": "A landing page ref",
"relatedIdentifier": "88976",
"relatedIdentifierType": "DOI",
"title": "A Title2",
"fullReference": "A landing page ref2",
"relatedIdentifier": "88975",
"relatedIdentifierType": "DOI",
"resource_type": "Dataset",
"title": "Research into the melting point of a chocolate teapot",
"description": "Data has shown that the melting point of a chocolate teapot can vary dependant on altitude relative to sea level...."
"investigations": {
"ids": [
"datasets": {
"ids": [
"datafiles": {
"ids": [
Example request DOI metadata
Given the request above, the following DOI is created
"id": "",
"doi": "10.5286/GJ21-RA04",
"url": "",
"types": {
"ris": "DATA",
"bibtex": "misc",
"citeproc": "dataset",
"schemaOrg": "Dataset",
"resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset"
"creators": [
"name": "James T Kirk",
"nameType": "Personal",
"givenName": "James",
"familyName": "Kirk",
"affiliation": {
"name": "University of Something"
"titles": [
"title": "Research into the melting point of a chocolate teapot"
"publisher": "Diamond Light Source",
"container": {},
"subjects": [],
"contributors": [],
"dates": [
"date": "2022-11-03"
"dateType": "Created"
"publicationYear": 2022,
"identifiers": [],
"sizes": [],
"formats": [],
"rightsList": [],
"descriptions": [
"description": "Data has shown that the melting point of a chocolate teapot can vary dependant on altitude relative to sea level...."
"geoLocations": [],
"fundingReferences": [],
"relatedIdentifiers": [
"relationType": "IsCitedBy",
"relatedIdentifier": "88976",
"relatedIdentifierType": "DOI"
"relationType": "IsCitedBy",
"relatedIdentifier": "88975",
"relatedIdentifierType": "DOI"
"relatedItems": [],
"schemaVersion": "",
"providerId": "bl",
"clientId": "bl.stfc",
"agency": "datacite",
"state": "findable"