SWIFT-HEP QoS planning Doc

Project Outline (abstract)



LHC experiments were in the long shut down before Run 3, which led for ATLAS a doubling in data rate. Therefore high data rate storage is needed to enable the data to be ingested into sites. However this high performance storage is expensive and it is unfeasible to be used exclusively. Therefore, after data has been ingested into a site it should be possible to move the data to less expensive and/or less performant storage alternatives, called Quality of Service (QoS).

With the increase in data size and rate planned to be coming out of the LHC for High Luninosity Run SSD storage is looking likely to play a increasingly critical role in data storage requirements to allow sites to have the throughput required to ingest data, and have it accessible at a rate that the batch farm requires to have efficient running jobs.

Tape archives currently require SSD caches to provide the data throughput  needed for the write and read speed of tape.

QoS has the potential to be a list of different properties, and labels assigned to sites and their various storage endpoints to help users understand the properties of the storage endpoint. This has the potential to become extremely complex and difficult for users to understand as labels and tags are added to storage endpoints. Therefore it should be considered to keep the QoS labels and tags as simple but meaningful as possible to facilitate concise tagging of storage to provide performance expectations to users. 

QoS in terms of storage is a description of moving data between differently performing storage systems, in an attempt to maximise budgets for storage, scale data accessibility with access requests, and read efficiency in terms of the jobs being run on the data, as well as to minimise the cost of the storage solutions needed to ensure the data is quickly accessible, and archived for short and long term storage. There are an increasing range of QoS available to sites, that are being used to different degrees at different sites. These range from traditional spinning disk (HDD) clusters, solid state drives (SSD) storage, caches made from either HDD or SSD, and tape. Each of these storage solutions provides its own benefits and drawbacks. When combined at a site the different storage solutions provide different leves of QoS that allow the benefits of each storage type to make up for the down sides of another.

WLCG paper describes their intention to look at QoS and not catagorise by storage media, but by characteristics instead, as there is a large variety in deployment options for disk data durability, performance, and cost per GB.


QoS in general

Action: Define a list of storage properties and then define the most common types of storage in terms of these properties.

Capacity - Usable capacity in TB

Durability - Independent hardware failures that are tolerable without data loss.

Total Throughput internal: Total available throughput to local compute resources

Total Throughput external: Total available throughput to other sites

Total IOPs: Maximum random IOPs endpoint can sustain

Single Threaded throughput: Maximum transfer speed of individual transfers.

Cost / TB:

Volatile: Does the space clean itself up automatically?


Aim to deaggregate storage media with expectations, as some disk can be much higher performance than others depending on the setup



Low latency, cost varies, lower data durability compared to disk

Erasure coding - gives some durability with increase in cost (due to more disk being used), but lower cost compared to raid.


Tape / Archive

Very high latency, low cost, low data loss risk



Deployed by the site, with some kind of storage before the batch system

For data that is requested / used more often, useful and reduced the amount of data movement over the networks / between QoS for jobs to run. 

For data that is requested once for a job, caching that data would be much less useful and take space in the cache, and therefore should be bypassing the cache.







Rucio QoS

Information Rucio needs to know in order to be able to make sensible decisions.


Test Plan


Get baseline performance disk to disk initially and get testing in process to iterate on it


Test types

To get a full idea of the effects of QoS on data movement there first needs to be a baseline set. 

  1. The initial tests to generate a baseline would involve running transfers of data from a disk storage to another disk storage

  2. Increasing the complexity of the tests,  assessing the time to complete datasets movement between sites from QoS to QoS in a matrix wise fashion.

    1. E.g. 
      Site 1 ssd to site 2 disk
      Site 1 disk to site  2 disk
      Site 2 ssd to  site  1 ssd
      Site 2  ssd to site  2 disk etc.

    2. Tape to SSD / HDD?

    3. Does SSD help with this, or is it still network bound?

  3. Time to complete jobs when the data is on different QoS endpoints.

  4. Investigate different mechanism for data transfers and their advantages / disadvantages:

    1. What is the mechanism for movement?

      1. Rucio/FTS?

      2. Internal movement?

    2. When should we use each different mechanism?

    3. Is there a way to improve upon this?

  5. End to end testing: Simulate jobs that use large datasets, and measure how long between start of data movement and completion is an OK time to start the job and not run into IO issues?

    1. Remote reads

    2. Running the job after datatransfer is complete gives datapoints towards the optimal time for the job to complete at a given site

    3. Starting job at several time points from beginning of data transfer start e.g. same time, ¼ of the time, ½ of the time, ¾ of the time.

      1. Can jobs ‘know’ how much of the data is present at the site before starting?

    4. Jobs should be designed in a way that either allows caching to assist, or does not.

      1. What is the rates at which caching at a site is useful?

        1. Oxford and Birmingham have some data on this


What to measure

Data / Workflow types

Running these tests are all very well, but running on one sort of dataset/type will only help optimise / give data for one experiment and similar experiments output, therefore different data types should be thought about.


Large files - does the storage deal with few large files?

  • LHC datasets 

  • Similar or mimicking workflow for the LHC experiments provides some information on how storage sites would act with normal Grid circumstances, typically sites are designed around providing storage and compute for the LHC experiments



Small files - does the storage deal with many small files? -  larger number of connections

  • LSST datasets - 20mb files, how many do they need per job?

  • Looking at LSST datasets and their requirement to have many smaller files means that we can look at how jobs and data movement will differ at sites when compared to the typical LHC work loads.



Times of tests

Running tests at different times through the day may lead to different results, due to the workload, networking, and demands on a site. Therefore, running identical tests at various times of the day and week would give a better overall understanding of both the transfer times for datasets, as well as job running times.

Therefore each test should be run on each day of the week.

On top of each day of the week the tests should be run at several times: midnight, 3am, 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm to give an even spread of the tests throughout the day.

The tests should then also be run for several weeks to give more datapoints both over time, and week to week variance.


Total  tests

Data transfer tests

Sites = 4

QoS  per site = 2

QoS to QoS = QoS! (2)

Time  points = 8

Dataset types  = 2

Repeats = 4

Data points = 768


Job tests

Same conditions as above but with percentage expected time to complete  the transfer before starting the job

Time points =  5

Though jobs can  be run once the transfers are complete to look at  efficiency from the data transferred for the tests above

Therefore 4 more  timepoints





QoS per Site


Qos to QoS


Time points


Days of week


Dataset types




Dataset Data points




Job time points


Job test data points




 Requirements for completion

 Run tests




Notes  from meeting with Katy and James

atlas hammercloud 350mb cern run service, ATLAS heavily reliant

Runs a suite of jobs emulating types of jobs, and looks for problems, and can turn a site off per 15-30 mins 

production job may access data different to analysis job

ATLAS even 1 job fail can put site off, CMS requires days of failure


largest files 10GB

functional test 1mb at around 1hz


Can ask to use hammercloud


CMS tests are complete and sensative to various issues


filedumps for LSST


Rucio questions, what QoS for what Job, does Rucio failover to a 


power considerations in QoS




ETF is the testing infrastructure for SAM tests

make the tests in ETF then CMS use SAM to visualise the results


instructions in CMS twiki on how to run the sam tests


James figured out a docker container to run tests


access CMS or ATLAS needs sorted


WLCG DOMA QoS task force



James would like to setup an ECho cache for HOT files using CephFS.