ISIS & ESRF Dataflows

A look at how other departments facilitate the creation of DOIs and data publications


  • Only allow DOI creation for Studies and Investigations

  • Does not open up commercial data unless specifically requested

  • Does not allow the deletion of DOIs/Publications. Any cleanup is a manual process.

  • Only a script/cron job creates the DOIs, so no user-defined ones

    • This script runs on a schedule (every 6 hours atm) which generates DOIs. It creates a DOI for any investigations with datafiles linked to them, and any studies those investigations are linked to. The thing that creates the DOI is here

  • DOIs & landing pages are created as soon as a datafile is detected in icat, even though the data is still in the embargo period, for example here.

  • A release date is automatically set by their ingestion process, which is three years after data creation

    • Their ingest has 2 main parts:

      • The LiveIngest monitors the ISIS data archive for file events and updates ICAT accordingly. 

      • The BusinessIngest takes data from the BusApps systems (scheduler, visits, proposals, users). 

  • Thier Data policy


Automatic process:

  • The Automatic process is triggered by the Investigation's end date.

    • Specifically (endDate=today & there is data & !proprietary research)

    • An email is also sent to the participants of the investigation.

  • They only produce DOIs for datasets

  • They don’t use Data Publications yet and just put the DOI in the Investigation and Data Collection

  • They use a minter user to create DOIs, they can

    • CRU minters DataCollection

    • CR minters DataCollectionParameter

    • CR minters DataCollectionDataset

    • R  minters Dataset

    • R  minters ParameterType

  • Anon Users can just Read DataCollections

User-defined and misc:

  • Only participants in the Investigation can create DOIs

  • A user can create a DOI spanning multiple investigations as long as they are participants in all of them. example here