S3 On OpenStack


S3 REST API is emulated in Swift, allowing you and your applications to interact with Swift object storage as a native S3 object store.

For full compatibility see S3/Swift REST API Comparison Matrix


Configuration with OpenStack CLI

Generating EC2 credentials with OpenStack CLI

These credentials allow you to manage your object storage in OpenStack through Swifts emulation of the S3 REST API.

Creating credentials

To create a new EC2 credential

openstack ec2 credentials create


You should get an output like this, please keep these details safe and secure:

+------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | access | 9a5fc02e2ed64a7cad249a8477d712457 | | links | {'self': 'https://openstack.nubes.rl.ac.uk:5000/v3/users/...'} | | project_id | fd12468zz0f24ed56721c68ef7a345 | | secret | 3806354657e54aa3828285c5f5g68d8s | | trust_id | None | | user_id | 0aa830b1256d4d789cdcab81b9f32bc5 | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+


Listing current credentials

openstack ec2 credentials list

Deleting credentials

OpenStack Object store region endpoint

The region end point to connect to your new OpenStack ‘S3’ object store.



Testing using S3CMD

You can use a CLI tool called S3CMD to test your credentials and access to your object store.

Environment setup and installing s3cmd

Create your virtual environment (optional)

Install s3cmd with pip

Configure s3cmd

Most of these options […] can be left as default by pressing the enter key, the main ones we need to configure are highlighted here.

Hopefully your credentials work fine, so now you’re ready to use them as you require!

Creating a new bucket

Listing existing buckets

Uploading a file

Downloading a file


Testing using awscli

Endpoint Support was fixed in >=1.29.0 and >=2.13.0. Please check your version with the --version flag if you are experiencing problems connecting

  • Install awscli using either pip into a venv or Conda:

  • Configure the AWS Client following the prompts to add your access key and secret

  • Edit ~/.aws/config with the following values:

  • Ensure or edit the credentials files with the appropriate values in ~/.aws/credetials

  • Set the appropriate permission for both using chmod 600 ~/.aws/*

  • Run aws s3 ls to ensure the client can connect

  • AWS Commands can now be used from the CLI, further details can be found on the AWS S3 Documentation

Example configuration of a Helm Application (Harbor)

Example configuration of S3 in Harbor HA to highlight that it works just the same as native S3.






