

Only tick checkbox once everyone agrees requirement met by current implementation
  • Not started

  • Requires further clarification

  • Blocked externally

  • In progress

  • Met by WIP implementation (pending demo, final approval etc.)

1) User-defined DOIs

1.1) DataGateway should provide the ability for a PI in an investigation (so an ICAT users with role of PI) to create DataPublications (and associated DOIs) for a set of investigations, datasets and/or datafiles.
1.2) DataGateway should provide the ability to let PIs add or remove users associated with a DataPublication before it is created.
1.3) Landing page created.
1.3.1) Anyone can access data through landing page. Would need anon authentication to be enabled for Diamond. Tracked by
1.4) Version control: See , tracked by
1.4.1) No changes allowed to data or metadata once minted, but a new version can be created.
1.4.2) One DOI to point to latest version.
1.4.3) Ensure suitable metadata supplied so that search engines discover only latest version.
1.5.1) Populate all recommended metadata.
1.5.2) Auto populate FundingReference with all relevant beamlines and proposal numbers and allow additional funding metadata.
1.5.3) Select experimental technique(s) under Subject, based on PaNET terms (future update – TBC) and allow free-text in addition.
1.5.4) Apply standard Diamond licence (currently CC-BY-4.0).
1.5.5) Initial phase to have limited metadata (as above); future development phases to include tools to provide enhanced metadata.
1.5.6) View complete metadata record before minting. Reproduce in landing page? [TBC].
1.6) Complete or partial data download option.
  • Minting DOI will make data open and accessible to anyone.

2) Automatic minting of DOIs for visits

2.1) Identify visits that are ready to be be opened (excluding BAGs and commercial) – Diamond.
2.2) Email PI once visit is over to update team or say DOI not to be created (exceptional circumstances) – Diamond.
2.3) Automatically mint DOI 2 days after visit ends for eligible visits
2.4) DataGateway should allow the PI for a visit to open the visit data to everyone after agreeing to terms and conditions. Backend support tracked by
2.5) DataCite metadata: similar to user-selected case but title, description (abstract), contributors taken from experimental team.
2.6) Include local contact and beamline(s)
2.7) All DataCite metadata on landing page.
2.8) Landing page gives data access to team.

Making Visit Data Open:

After visit DOI has been minted:

  • PI to be able to make all non-hidden visit data open. No user selection.

  • All non-hidden data and metadata will then be open to anyone.

3) Data Download:


4) Hiding data:


5) Data upload: