XRootD Vector Reads


Python script: test_edi_xrootd.py 

Bash script: runJobJo.sh,  wrapper for python script 

#!/bin/bash  #export XrdSecGSISRVNAMES=$(hostname)  SERVER=ceph-gw8.gridpp.rl.ac.uk  paths=""  for i in {1..150}  do    paths="$paths root://${SERVER}/dteam:test2TBRandom/${i}.txt"  done  source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/views/LCG_101_ATLAS_11/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/setup.sh  export XrdSecPROTOCOL=gsi,unix; export XRD_LOGLEVEL=Dump; export XRD_LOGMASK=All;  chmod +x ./test_edi_xrootd.py  ./test_edi_xrootd.py $paths 2> stderr_other${1}  exit_code=$?  bzip2 --best stderr_other${1}


arc job file: jobSubmitJo.rsl 


&( executable = "runJobJo.sh" )  ( stdout = "stdout" )  ( stderr = "stderr" )  ( inputfiles = ( "runJobJo.sh" "" ) ( "test_edi_xrootd.py" "" ) )  ( outputfiles = ( "stdout" "" ) ( "stderr" "" ) ( "stderr_other.bz2" "" ) )  ( queue = "EL7" )  ( wallTime="48 h" )  ( jobname = "Custom Python job Jo" )  ( memory = 8192 )


Data: 150 copies of a 17GB urandom file in dteam echo space 

Test outputs: 

  • Stdout, out.txt - raw outputs 

  • Stderr_other – log dump 

  • *success – success rate (divide by 1000), number of vector reads 

  • *num – time taken for reads 

  • Plot.png - histogram of time taken, in intervals of 0.2 seconds 

  • *stats – summary statistics 

Ground test:  

From lcgui05, ran as bash script and as an arctool job, with SERVER set to root://xrootd.echo.stfc.ac.uk 


70% vector read failure rate. Fails with socket timeout