• Rough draft
  • 2023-06-01 Meeting Notes


    Jun 1, 2023


    • @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)

    • @Alexander Rogovskiy

    • @Ian Johnson

    • Lancaster: Gerard, Matt, Steven

    @James Walder


    • List of Epics

    • New tickets

    • Consider new functionality / items

    • Detailed discussion of important topics

    • Site report activity


     Discussion topics

    Current status of Echo Gateways / WNs testing

    Recent sandbox’s for review / deployments:










    Next steps for WN deployment


    Planning for rollout; Anticipated for next week - Needs @Thomas Birkett to confirm.

    Tentative start date of June 7th, rollout is simpler compared to previous attempt (no drain required)


    EBUSY in readV requests



    Actions to analysis the existing behaviour with the read request (where EBUSY) is already handled.


    SEGV investigations with -S multi-stream flags


    @Ian Johnson Work ongoing to use git bisect to identify the change that appears to ‘fixe’ this issue


    CMSD status



    “/” vs “//” issue:

    • Characterise the behaviour

    • Understand if this is something we need to provide some mitigating action on?

    bypass fix:
    in the select function, insert a “/“ at the start of the path if not present. This would result in the cmsd query to servers being the correct “/pool“ request instead of “pool“

    Manager hosts currently considered as “clients” of the managers in Aquilon; @James Walder to remove this relationship.
    Will enable the “allowed hosts” (to be able to connect to the managers) to be a list of only the xrootd server hosts






    on GGUS:

    Site reports

     Action items


