2023-11-09 Meeting Notes
Nov 9, 2023
@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)
@Thomas Byrne
Lancs: @Matt Doidge, Gerard, Steven
Glasgow: Sam
@James Walder
List of Epics
New tickets
Consider new functionality / items
Detailed discussion of important topics
Site report activity
Discussion topics
Current status of Echo Gateways / WNs testing
Recent sandbox’s for review / deployments:
Item | Presenter | Notes |
XrootD gateway architecture review (What should the XrootD access to Echo look like in a year’s time) |
| https://stfc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GRIDPP/pages/255262851 Ideas on xrootd batch farm architecture Current State Key questions: What to aim for:
Containerizing everything (shared containers across all hardware) is the preferred desired end state. some system resource overhead should be reserved to keep the gateways running smoothly
WN gateways:
XRootD Releases |
| 5.6.3-1 is out Glasgow Lancs has been using it (el7 and rocky8) (no cmfst post centos7)
Checksums fixes |
| planned for deployments checksum server service for external gws |
Prefetch studies and WN changes | Alex | planned for week of 20th to resume partial deployment over the farm |
Deletion studies through RDR | Ian |
CMSD rollout |
| https://stfc.atlassian.net/browse/XRD-41 |
Gateways: observations |
| cluster was up and active, but one sn was very slow in troughput slowing the whole cluster down enough for gateways to fail functional tests |
CMSD outstanding items |
| sandbox deployed |
Tokens testing |
| To Liaise with the Token Trust Traceability Taskforce (aka. @Matt Doidge ) report by end of this month CMS GGUS for enabling token auth |
AAA Gateways |
| Sandbox ready for review: http://aquilon.gridpp.rl.ac.uk/sandboxes/diff.php?sandbox=jw-xrootd-aaa-5.5.4-3 to be reviewed and deployed this week |
SKA Gateway box |
| https://stfc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UK/pages/215941180 ongoing network cleanup to access Deneb |
containerised gateways (kubernetes cluster) |
| working but still needs ironing a few bugs and scaling up |
on GGUS:
Site reports
Lancaster - Not much more, updated to latest xrootd broke scitokens as the scitoken package also needs updating (done manually)
Glasgow - 5.6.3 on rocky8, needs to do redirector on internal gateways, also updating xrootd and xrdceph version. Internal gateways were using up all memory (64G RAM and Swap), plan to update RAM
swap 0 atm, need to switch to swap off on reboot. newer versions of ceph are more determined to use resources
Action items