Prevent Automatic Updates
Prevent Automatic Updates
It is also possible to prevent our curated images from automatically updating certain packages or completely.
Preventing Automatic Updates of some packages
It is possible to version lock certain packages you care about by changing the owner of /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.list:
sudo chown your-username /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.list
Then add any packages to the above file in the same format as the other entries.
Preventing Automatic Updates completely
This is not recommended and must only be done with the express written consent of the Cloud team. This can be obtained by emailing cloud-support@stfc.ac.uk
You still must comply with our terms of service.
Auto updating can be disabled by creating a file at /etc/noquattor. This file should contain the date the file is created and who created it.