

Manila: Shared File Systems as a Service

OpenStack Manila provides services for managing shared file systems and is the third storage OpenStack component alongside Cinder and Swift. Manila provides a way to provision remote, sharable file systems (shares) which can be accessed by multiple instances simultaneously and file systems can have access rules assigned to control read-write and read-only access to the file system. On STFC Cloud, Manila provides a way to create Ceph file sytems (CephFS).

Manila Commands

In OpenStack Train, the Manila CLI is mainly used for handling shares. There are some limited commands in the OpenStack CLI for shares.


To use Manila commands in OpenStack Train, the compatible version of the python package python-manilaclient needs to be installed. For OpenStack Train, this is v2.0.0. This can be installed using pip install python-manilaclient=2.0.0.

OpenStack CLI

In the OpenStack CLI the following commands are available:

openstack share --help share create # create a new share share delete # delete a share share list # list all shares share show # view details about a share

Manila CLI

Manila provides a CLI for not only for managing shares, but also for viewing the share types available, managing access rules for a share, and viewing the quota for share in your project. Commands are run using manila <sub-command>. The next section will demonstrate how to do some of the Manila commands.


View Share Quota

You can view either the overall quota using manila quota-show, or the quota and the total quota used with manila absolute-limits.

$ manila quota-show +-----------------------+----------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+ | gigabytes | 250 | | id | PROJECT_ID | | share_group_snapshots | 0 | | share_groups | 5 | | share_networks | 0 | | shares | 10 | | snapshot_gigabytes | 0 | | snapshots | 0 | +-----------------------+----------------------------------+
$ manila absolute-limits +----------------------------+-------+ | Name | Value | +----------------------------+-------+ | maxTotalShareGigabytes | 250 | | maxTotalShareNetworks | 0 | | maxTotalShareSnapshots | 0 | | maxTotalShares | 10 | | maxTotalSnapshotGigabytes | 250 | | totalShareGigabytesUsed | 3 | | totalShareNetworksUsed | 0 | | totalShareSnapshotsUsed | 0 | | totalSharesUsed | 3 | | totalSnapshotGigabytesUsed | 0 | +----------------------------+-------+

List Share Types Available

Share types available can be listed using manila share-type list or openstack share list. This will list the share types currently available and supported.

$ openstack share list +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------------+------+-------------------+ | ID | Name | Size | Share Proto | Status | Is Public | Share Type Name | Host | Availability Zone | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------------+------+-------------------+ | a6b215a6-00c5-46a5-b1db-d86559097896 | test_share | 1 | CEPHFS | available | False | cephfs | | None | | 7a1beb23-8dee-4709-9bcd-c947ae006653 | updated_demo_share | 1 | CEPHFS | available | False | cephfs | | nova | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------------+------+-------------------+

Create a Share

Shares can be created by users using the manila create command. The required arguments are the share protocol and the size of the share in GiB.

Do not set a share to be public. This will make the share visible and accessible to everyone outside of the project.

$ manila create --help usage: manila create [--snapshot-id <snapshot-id>] [--name <name>] [--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]] [--share-network <network-info>] [--description <description>] [--share-type <share-type>] [--public] [--availability-zone <availability-zone>] [--share-group <share-group>] <share_protocol> <size> Creates a new share (NFS, CIFS, CephFS, GlusterFS, HDFS or MAPRFS). Positional arguments: <share_protocol> Share protocol (NFS, CIFS, CephFS, GlusterFS, HDFS or MAPRFS). <size> Share size in GiB. Optional arguments: --snapshot-id <snapshot-id>, --snapshot_id <snapshot-id> Optional snapshot ID to create the share from. (Default=None) --name <name> Optional share name. (Default=None) --metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]] Metadata key=value pairs (Optional, Default=None). --share-network <network-info>, --share_network <network-info> Optional network info ID or name. --description <description> Optional share description. (Default=None) --share-type <share-type>, --share_type <share-type>, --volume-type <share-type>, --volume_type <share-type> Optional share type. Use of optional volume type is deprecated. (Default=None) --public Level of visibility for share. Defines whether other tenants are able to see it or not. (Default=False) --availability-zone <availability-zone>, --availability_zone <availability-zone>, --az <availability-zone> Availability zone in which share should be created. --share-group <share-group>, --share_group <share-group>, --group <share-group> Optional share group name or ID in which to create the share (Experimental, Default=None).

So if we want to create a new CephFS share of size 1GiB, we can use the following command:

$ manila create --name demo_share --description "Demo creating a share" --share-type SHARE_TYPE_ID CephFS 1

Which outputs:

+---------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | status | creating | | share_type_name | cephfs | | description | Demo creating a share | | availability_zone | None | | share_network_id | None | | share_group_id | None | | revert_to_snapshot_support | False | | access_rules_status | active | | snapshot_id | None | | create_share_from_snapshot_support | False | | is_public | False | | task_state | None | | snapshot_support | False | | id | 7a1beb23-8dee-4709-9bcd-c947ae006653 | | size | 1 | | source_share_group_snapshot_member_id | None | | user_id | USER_ID | | name | demo_share | | share_type | SHARE_TYPE_ID | | has_replicas | False | | replication_type | None | | created_at | 2022-10-19T15:03:28.000000 | | share_proto | CEPHFS | | mount_snapshot_support | False | | project_id | PROJECT_ID | | metadata | {} | +---------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+

Update a Share

Once a share has been created in Manila, there are only three properties which can be updated: - Name of the share. - The description for the share. - Change the visibility of the share to public or private.

$ manila update --help usage: manila update [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--is-public <is_public>] <share> Rename a share. Positional arguments: <share> Name or ID of the share to rename. Optional arguments: --name <name> New name for the share. --description <description> Optional share description. (Default=None) --is-public <is_public>, --is_public <is_public> Public share is visible for all tenants.

For example, we can update the name of a share from demo_share to updated_demo_share in the following way:

$ manila update --name updated_demo_share demo_share

Then we can see the updated share in the list of shares in the current project:

$ manila list +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------------+------+-------------------+ | ID | Name | Size | Share Proto | Status | Is Public | Share Type Name | Host | Availability Zone | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------------+------+-------------------+ | 7a1beb23-8dee-4709-9bcd-c947ae006653 | updated_demo_share | 1 | CEPHFS | available | False | cephfs | | nova | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------------+------+-------------------+

Extend a Share

The size of a share can be increased using the manila extend command.

$ manila extend --help usage: manila extend <share> <new_size> Increases the size of an existing share. Positional arguments: <share> Name or ID of share to extend. <new_size> New size of share, in GiBs.

For example, if we want to extend a demo share from 1GiBs to 2GiBs, we can do the following:

$ manila extend updated_demo_share 2

Viewing the details of the share we can see that the size of the share has been updated.

$ manila show updated_demo_share +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | status | available | | share_type_name | cephfs | | description | Demo creating a share | | availability_zone | nova | | share_network_id | None | | share_group_id | None | | revert_to_snapshot_support | False | | access_rules_status | active | | snapshot_id | None | | create_share_from_snapshot_support | False | | is_public | False | | task_state | None | | snapshot_support | False | | id | 7a1beb23-8dee-4709-9bcd-c947ae006653 | | size | 2 | | source_share_group_snapshot_member_id | None | | user_id | USER_ID | | name | updated_demo_share | | share_type | SHARE_TYPE | | has_replicas | False | | replication_type | None | | created_at | 2022-10-19T15:03:28.000000 | | share_proto | CEPHFS | | mount_snapshot_support | False | | project_id | PROJECT_ID | | metadata | {} | | export_locations | | | | path = EXPORT_PATH | | | id = EXPORT_LOCATIONS_ID | | | preferred = False | +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Shrink a Share

This can only be done through the command line only.

The size of a share can be reduced using the manila shrink command.

$ manila shrink --help usage: manila shrink <share> <new_size> Decreases the size of an existing share. Positional arguments: <share> Name or ID of share to shrink. <new_size> New size of share, in GiBs.

Using the example in the previous section, we can reduce the size of a share from 2GiB to 1Gib using:

$ manila shrink updated_demo_share 1

We can see using manila show updated_demo_share that the size of the share has been updated:

$ manila show updated_demo_share +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | status | available | | share_type_name | cephfs | | description | Demo creating a share | | availability_zone | nova | | share_network_id | None | | share_group_id | None | | revert_to_snapshot_support | False | | access_rules_status | active | | snapshot_id | None | | create_share_from_snapshot_support | False | | is_public | False | | task_state | None | | snapshot_support | False | | id | 7a1beb23-8dee-4709-9bcd-c947ae006653 | | size | 1 | | source_share_group_snapshot_member_id | None | | user_id | USER_ID | | name | updated_demo_share | | share_type | SHARE_TYPE | | has_replicas | False | | replication_type | None | | created_at | 2022-10-19T15:03:28.000000 | | share_proto | CEPHFS | | mount_snapshot_support | False | | project_id | PROJECT_ID | | metadata | {} | | export_locations | | | | path = EXPORT_PATH | | | id = EXPORT_LOCATIONS_ID | | | preferred = False | +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Add Access Rule through CLI

Access rules can be created for a share through the Web UI or on the command line. You can allow either read-write (RW) or read-only (RO) access to the share.

Only cephx access rules can be used for shares as only CephFS shares are currently supported. Any other type of access rule created will go into error state.

To create a new access rule for a share, e.g. a share named demo_share, we can use the manila access-allow command:

manila access-allow demo_share cephx alice

With the arguments required described below:

$ manila access-allow --help usage: manila access-allow [--access-level <access_level>] [--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]] <share> <access_type> <access_to> Allow access to a given share. Positional arguments: <share> Name or ID of the NAS share to modify. <access_type> Access rule type (only "ip", "user"(user or group), "cert" or "cephx" are supported). <access_to> Value that defines access. Optional arguments: --access-level <access_level>, --access_level <access_level> Share access level ("rw" and "ro" access levels are supported). Defaults to rw. --metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]] Space Separated list of key=value pairs of metadata items. OPTIONAL: Default=None.


Here, access_to refers to the name given to the cephx access rule. This could be the name of a user to give share access to for example. The value given for access_to is used in later examples demonstrating how to mount a share.

Then we can view the access rules for the share using:

$ manila access-list demo_share +--------------------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------------+--------+------------------------------------------+----------------------------+----------------------------+ | id | access_type | access_to | access_level | state | access_key | created_at | updated_at | +--------------------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------------+--------+------------------------------------------+----------------------------+----------------------------+ | 56907a0c-024a-465e-8ebc-5a0b085ac87b | cephx | alice | rw | active | ACCESS_KEY | 2022-10-14T14:55:59.000000 | 2022-10-14T14:55:59.000000 | +--------------------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------------+--------+------------------------------------------+----------------------------+----------------------------+

Remove Access Rule through CLI

Access rules can be removed from a share using manila access-deny:

$ manila access-deny --help usage: manila access-deny <share> <id> Deny access to a share. Positional arguments: <share> Name or ID of the NAS share to modify. <id> ID of the access rule to be deleted.

Delete a Share

A share can be deleted by using the manila delete command:

$ manila delete --help usage: manila delete [--share-group <share-group>] <share> [<share> ...] Remove one or more shares. Positional arguments: <share> Name or ID of the share(s). Optional arguments: --share-group <share-group>, --share_group <share-group>, --group <share-group> Optional share group name or ID which contains the share (Experimental, Default=None).

How to access a CephFS Share

There are two methods that can be used to mount a share onto a VM:


The kernel method is preferred as it uses significantly less CPU marshalling data through userspace.

The following examples assume that the following have been set up:

  • VM (examples use an Ubuntu VM)

  • CephFS Share and have the export path given in the share details copied to use

  • cephx share access rules

Monitor IP addresses

MON_HOST_IP_ADDRESSES can be found by doing manila show <share ID or name> under the export loction section

Access a share using the Kernel Client

The kernel client requires the ceph-common package to be installed. To access the filesystem on a share, we can use the mount command of the form:

mkdir /mnt/share # or any path you prefer # breakdown of the command - all remaining lines are run as a single command without comments mount -t ceph # The output of the Monitor IP address from the service endpoint {mon1 ip addr}:6789,{mon2 ip addr}:6789,{mon3 ip addr}:6789/{manilla-volume} # name of the access rule and the secret associated to it -o name={access-rule-name},secret={access-key} # Existing path to attach the share to on the VM /mnt/path

Note: This is run as a single command, it has been broken down for readability in the documentation

The directory will be owned by root by default. To allow another user to read and write add the appropriate user and group like so:

chown user:user /mnt/path

Access a share using the FUSE Client

In order to use the FUSE client, make sure the version of the ceph-fuse package is at least octopus. The version of the package can be found using:

~$ ceph-fuse --version ceph version 15.2.16 (d46a73d6d0a67a79558054a3a5a72cb561724974) octopus (stable)

To use the FUSE client, we need to set up a keyring and a ceph.conf file. If we have named the cephx rule created with the name alice, then the keyring file will need to be named alice.keyring and needs to contain the following:

[client.alice] key = CEPHX_KEY

Where CEPHX_KEY is the secret/access_key for the specific access rule, which can be found using manila access-list <share ID or name>

Then for the ceph.conf file, we need to add the IP addresses for the monitors from the ceph cluster. The IP address for the ceph monitors for the share can be found using manila show <share-id> under the export locations field.

[client] client quota = True mon host = MON_HOST_IP_ADDRESSES

Where MON_HOST_IP_ADDRESSES can be found by doing manila show <share ID or name> under the export loction section

Then the filesystem can be mounted to a test directory using the alice cephx access rule:

sudo ceph-fuse ~/mnt \ --id=alice \ --conf=/path/to/ceph.conf \ --keyring=/path/to/alice.keyring \ --client-mountpoint={mount-point}

Where the mount point is the path to the share on the ceph cluster. The share path can be found using manila show <share-id> under the export locations field, and it looks like /volumes/_nogroup/abc123-efd

Using Shares on Kubernetes Clusters

OpenStack Manila is currently in technical preview on STFC Cloud. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please sent it to cloud-support@stfc.ac.uk

This feature for using Shares with Kubernetes is also currently being tested by the Cloud Team.

To use shares on Kubernetes clusters we need the following csi installed and deployed onto the cluster:

The manila-csi is designed to be lightweight and only handles the interaction between Kubernetes and OpenStack to create, delete, and access shares. The ceph-csi handles the CephFS side of the filesystem on the Kubernetes cluster. See https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/blob/master/docs/manila-csi-plugin/developers-csi-manila.md#notes-on-design for more information on how manila-csi is designed.

Deploying onto the Cluster

Both the manila-csi and ceph-csi can be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster using a Helm chart.


The ceph-csi can be deployed in the following way:

# Add the chart repository helm repo add ceph-csi https://ceph.github.io/csi-charts # Install the chart helm install --create-namespace --namespace "ceph-csi-cephfs" "ceph-csi-cephfs" ceph-csi/ceph-csi-cephfs

You should then be able to see the following pods in the ceph-csi-cephfs namespace:

$ kubectl get pods -n ceph-csi-cephfs NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ceph-csi-cephfs-nodeplugin-6554g 3/3 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-nodeplugin-6xcfc 3/3 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-nodeplugin-ddt84 3/3 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-nodeplugin-h97j5 3/3 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-nodeplugin-hxj95 3/3 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-nodeplugin-j65fp 3/3 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-nodeplugin-ltt7q 3/3 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-nodeplugin-mhwr8 3/3 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-nodeplugin-wrjsk 3/3 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-nodeplugin-zfl8w 3/3 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-provisioner-765854df4c-csdft 5/5 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-provisioner-765854df4c-nzp77 5/5 Running 0 17d ceph-csi-cephfs-provisioner-765854df4c-qznz4 5/5 Running 0 17d


Before deploying the Helm chart for manila-csi, we need to create a manila-csi-values.yaml file in order to deploy the csi to support CephFS shares:

# Enabled Manila share protocols shareProtocols: - protocolSelector: CEPHFS fsGroupPolicy: None fwdNodePluginEndpoint: dir: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/cephfs.csi.ceph.com sockFile: csi.sock

Then we can deploy the chart:

# add helm repo helm repo add cpo https://kubernetes.github.io/cloud-provider-openstack helm repo update # install helm chart with values.yaml file 'manila-csi-values.yaml' helm install manila-csi --create-namespace --namespace manila-csi -f manila-csi-values.yaml cpo/openstack-manila-csi

Then you should see pods similar to the following being created onto the cluster (for this example the chart has been deployed into the default namespace):

$ kubectl get pod -n manila-csi NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-controllerplugin-0 4/4 Running 0 14d manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-nodeplugin-6plbt 2/2 Running 0 14d manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-nodeplugin-9dxrl 2/2 Running 0 14d manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-nodeplugin-cjhvp 2/2 Running 0 14d manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-nodeplugin-f72s9 2/2 Running 0 14d manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-nodeplugin-ghfmx 2/2 Running 0 14d manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-nodeplugin-h99sx 2/2 Running 0 14d manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-nodeplugin-k5g9k 2/2 Running 0 14d manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-nodeplugin-mlvpp 2/2 Running 0 14d manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-nodeplugin-qpd9m 2/2 Running 0 14d manila-csi-openstack-manila-csi-nodeplugin-slktx 2/2 Running 0 14d

Next step is to manually create the secret for the manila-csi to use in order to interact with OpenStack:

Managing Secrets using kubectl

# manila_csi_secret.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: csi-manila-secret namespace: kube-system stringData: os-authURL: "https://openstack.stfc.ac.uk:5000/v3" os-region: "RegionOne" os-applicationCredentialID: "<credential_id>" os-applicationCredentialSecret: "<secret>"
  • Create the secret: kubectl apply -f manila_csi_secret.yaml

Enabling Dynamic Shares using the storage class

Shares can also be created on demand and attached to specific pods.

First, a storage class needs to be created:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: name: csi-manila-cephfs provisioner: cephfs.manila.csi.openstack.org allowVolumeExpansion: true parameters: type: cephfs csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-name: csi-manila-secret csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-namespace: kube-system csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-expand-secret-name: csi-manila-secret csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-expand-secret-namespace: kube-system csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-name: csi-manila-secret csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-namespace: kube-system csi.storage.k8s.io/node-publish-secret-name: csi-manila-secret csi.storage.k8s.io/node-publish-secret-namespace: kube-system

Then the storage class can be created from this template using:

kubectl apply -f storageclass.yaml

Next, a persistent volume claim needs to be created in order to define the size of the share and the access mode.

apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: new-cephfs-share-pvc spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany resources: requests: storage: 1Gi storageClassName: csi-manila-cephfs

To create the pvc:

kubectl apply -f dynamic_pvc.yaml

Then, for example, if we want to have an nginx pod spun up with a new share attached we can use the following template:

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: new-cephfs-share-pod spec: containers: - name: web-server image: nginx imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: mypvc mountPath: /var/lib/www volumes: - name: mypvc persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: new-cephfs-share-pvc readOnly: false

Then we can create the pod and inspect it:

$ kubectl apply -f pod.yaml $ kubectl describe pod new-cephfs-share-pod Name: new-cephfs-share-pod Namespace: default Priority: 0 Service Account: default Node: cloud-dev-md-nano-fxhmg/ Start Time: Thu, 02 Feb 2023 14:21:56 +0000 Labels: <none> Annotations: cni.projectcalico.org/containerID: d0741d0c1f5b8c4733c3a7c090dbaef9e6875508ab074c36cc671bfa51479494 cni.projectcalico.org/podIP: cni.projectcalico.org/podIPs: Status: Running IP: IPs: IP: Containers: web-server: Container ID: containerd://12a76ece022f9cbc45b6d9af3e2c0efa38dafb4734a52dcdbceaa4f63caf174e Image: nginx Image ID: docker.io/library/nginx@sha256:b8f2383a95879e1ae064940d9a200f67a6c79e710ed82ac42263397367e7cc4e Port: <none> Host Port: <none> State: Running Started: Thu, 02 Feb 2023 14:22:10 +0000 Ready: True Restart Count: 0 Environment: <none> Mounts: /var/lib/www from mypvc (rw) /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-6l758 (ro) Conditions: Type Status Initialized True Ready True ContainersReady True PodScheduled True Volumes: mypvc: Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace) ClaimName: new-cephfs-share-pvc ReadOnly: false kube-api-access-6l758: Type: Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources) TokenExpirationSeconds: 3607 ConfigMapName: kube-root-ca.crt ConfigMapOptional: <nil> DownwardAPI: true QoS Class: BestEffort Node-Selectors: <none> Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s Events: <none>

In the OpenStack project where the application credential was created for, we should now see a new share has been created with a cephx access rule.

Examples: Provisioning Manila Shares onto the Cluster

Static (Manual) Share Provisioning

If a default storage class has been set up in the cluster, then storageClass: "" needs to be included in the pvc.yaml file. Otherwise, the cluster will default to attempting to make a pvc based on the clusterโ€™s default storage class.

You will need the ID for the Share as well as the ID for the access rule the PV should use. See share access list for the getting the ID for the access rule.

  • Create a persistent volume claim (PVC) and persistent volume:

apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: preprovisioned-cephfs-share labels: name: preprovisioned-cephfs-share spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany capacity: storage: 1Gi csi: driver: cephfs.manila.csi.openstack.org volumeHandle: preprovisioned-cephfs-share nodeStageSecretRef: name: csi-manila-secret namespace: kube-system nodePublishSecretRef: name: csi-manila-secret namespace: kube-system volumeAttributes: shareID: <share-id> # the share ID of the share you want to use as the persistent volume in the cluster shareAccessID: <access-rule-id> # the ID of a cephx access rule created for the share. --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: existing-cephfs-share-pvc spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany storageClassName: "" # to override any default storageclass in cluster resources: requests: storage: 1Gi selector: matchExpressions: - key: name operator: In values: ["preprovisioned-cephfs-share"]


The ID of access rules for a specific share can be found using manila access-list <share-name/ID>. This will list all the access rules for a given share and include the ID for each rule. Access rules can be managed in the web UI or using the CLI. For more information on how to create a access rule using the CLI, see Manila | Add Access Rule through CLI

You should be able to create the persistent volume claim created successfully here:

kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml

Check if it was successful:

kubectl get pvc

Which should return:

NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE existing-cephfs-share-pvc Bound preprovisioned-cephfs-share 1Gi RWX 19h

To get the information on the existing persistent volume:

kubectl describe pvc existing-cephfs-share-pvc

Which should return:

Name: existing-cephfs-share-pvc Namespace: default StorageClass: Status: Bound Volume: preprovisioned-cephfs-share Labels: <none> Annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/bind-completed: yes pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller: yes Finalizers: [kubernetes.io/pvc-protection] Capacity: 1Gi Access Modes: RWX VolumeMode: Filesystem Used By: existing-cephfs-share-pod Events: <none>

List the persistent volumes:

kubectl get pv

Which returns:

NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE preprovisioned-cephfs-share 1Gi RWX Retain Bound default/existing-cephfs-share-pvc 19h

Get information on the pre-provisioned share:

kubectl describe pv preprovisioned-cephfs-share

Which returns:

Name: preprovisioned-cephfs-share Labels: name=preprovisioned-cephfs-share Annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller: yes Finalizers: [kubernetes.io/pv-protection] StorageClass: Status: Bound Claim: default/existing-cephfs-share-pvc Reclaim Policy: Retain Access Modes: RWX VolumeMode: Filesystem Capacity: 1Gi Node Affinity: <none> Message: Source: Type: CSI (a Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume source) Driver: cephfs.manila.csi.openstack.org FSType: VolumeHandle: preprovisioned-cephfs-share ReadOnly: false VolumeAttributes: shareAccessID=SHARE_ACCESS_RULE_ID shareID=SHARE_ID Events: <none>





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