AutoScaling in a Heat Stack

Sometimes we may need to have a stack that can respond when a group of servers are using a lot or little resources, such as memory usage. For example if a group of servers exceed a given memory usage threshold, we want that group of resources to scale up. This documentation will go through autoscaling, and how autoscaling could be implemented in a Heat stack.

To create an autoscaling stack we need:

  • AutoScaling Group: A group of servers defined so that the number of servers in the group and be increased or decreased.

  • Alarms: Alarms created using OpenStack Aodh to monitor the resource usage of the VMs in the autoscaling group. For example, we could create an alarm to monitor memory usage and alarm if the autoscaling group exceeds the alarm’s threshold.

  • Scaling Policies: Policies which are executed when an Aodh Alarm is triggered. When an alarm is triggered, the scaling policy attached to that alarm will instruct the autoscaling group to change in size, either increasing or decreasing the number of VMs.

Heat Resources

This section will cover the resources available in Heat that are required for creating an autoscaling stack.

AutoScaling involves resources from:

  • Heat: For creating an autoscaling group and defining the scaling policies

  • Aodh: For alarm creation

  • Gnocchi: For metrics that are used in threshold alarms


This is an autoscaling group which can scale resources. This group can create the desired number of similar resources and we can define the minimum and maximum count for the given resource.

the_resource: type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup properties: #required max_size: Integer # maximum number of resources in the group min_size: Integer # minimum number of resources in the group resource: {...} # resource definition for the resources in the group, written in HOT (Heat Orchestrated Template) format #optional desired_capacity: Integer # desired initial number of resources cooldown: Integer # cool down period in seconds rolling_updates: {"min_in_service": Integer, "max_batch_size": Integer, "pause_time": Number} # policy for rolling updates in the group, defaults to: {"min_in_service": 0, "max_batch_size": 1, "pause_time": 0} # min_in_service: minimum number of resources in service while rolling updates are executed # max_batch_size: maximum number of resources to replace at once # pause_time: number of seconds to wait between batches of updates

For example:

autoscaling-group: type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup properties: min_size: 1 max_size: 3 resource: type: server.yaml #Refers to a Heat Template for creating a VM properties: flavor: {get_param: flavor} image: {get_param: image} key_name: {get_param: key_name} network: {get_param: network} metadata: {"metering.server_group": {get_param: "OS::stack_id"}}


the_resource: type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy properties: # required adjustment_type: String # Type of adjustment. Allowed values: “change_in_capacity”, “exact_capacity”, “percent_change_in_capacity” auto_scaling_group_id: String # AutoScaling Group ID to apply policy to scaling_adjustment: Number # Size of adjustment # Optional cooldown: Number # cooldown period, in seconds min_adjustment_step: Integer # minimum number of resources that are added or removed when the AutoScalingGroup scales up or down. Only used if specifying percent_change_in_capacity for adjustment_type property

For example:


This resource creates an alarm as an aggregation of resources alarm. This alarm is a threshold alarm monitoring the aggregated metrics of the members of the autoscaling group defined above. Gnocchi provides the metrics which Aodh uses to determine whether an alarm should be triggered.

For example, for our autoscaling stack we could define the alarms in the following way:

