Checksumming developments
Checksumming developments
Cephsum (original)
Current versions:
Version running in production
Cephsum (server+client) version
RPM building - client:
git clone git@github.com:snafus/cephsum-client.git
cd cephsum-client
mkdir build
cd build
. /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/enable # or similar
cmake3 ../
make -j2
make package
RPM building - server
git clone git@github.com:snafus/cephsum-server.git
cd cephsum-server
. /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/enable # or similar
python3 setup.py bdist_rpm
# RPMS located in dist/ ; need to manually install all dependencies
Server extra details
Shared secret key (to create new one, else take common setup):
openssl rand -base64 -out /etc/xrootd/cephsum-secret 64
# edit and make a single line
chown xrootd:xrootd cephsum-secret
chmod 0400 cephsum-secret
Configuration file: /etc/xrootd/cephsum.cfg