2025-01-09 Meeting Notes

2025-01-09 Meeting Notes


Jan 9, 2025





  • Lancs:

  • Glasgow:







  • List of Epics

  • New tickets

  • Consider new functionality / items

  • Detailed discussion of important topics

  • Site report activity


 Discussion topics

Current status of Echo Gateways / WNs testing

Recent sandbox’s for review / deployments:










Operational Issues
Gateways and WNs:
- Current status and upcoming changes



Upgrades of GWs complete




Checksums issue with an ATLAS file


[XrdCks] Checksum request during transfer locks partial file checksum into metadata for Ceph · Issue #2388 · xrootd/xrootd

GGUS /login

Checksum requested before whole file is updated. No ability to do stale checksum check in ceph, so original checksum ‘sticks’ to the file.


cms-aaa naming convention


cms-aaa is the only remaining personality to use proxy/ceph as the xrootd service names

Separate naming convention would be more appropriate, to have main/supporting

(not so urgent).

CC created, but due to be reviewed December



XRootD Managers De-VMWareification

@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)

Option 2 preferred for efficiency, but Option 1 decided on

Option 1 would be simpler to implement for a temporary fix, as the move would be reversed

antares tpc nodes to be moved to an echo leafsw, to confirm ipv4 real estate with James
lfsw30 (UPS room) decided on destination


Compilation and rollout status with XrdCeph and rocky 8: 5.7.x

@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)

5.7.2 published.
Investigating xrootd.redirect for write operations.



@Katy Ellis

Shoveler installation and monitoring



On the fly Checksums

@Ian Johnson


Simple PoC calculating Adler32 in the XrdCeph plugin mostly working. Neglible reduction in write rate compared to not calculating Adler32 on-the-fly.







XRootD Writable Workernode  Gateway Hackaton


@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)

XRootD Writable Workernode  Gateway Hackaton (XWWGH)

Hackaton writeable workernode



Xrootd testing framework


XRootD Site Testing Framework



100 GbE Gateway testing:
SKA / Tier-1

@James Walder @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)






UKSRC Storage Architecture




Tokens Status


  • Operational

  • Technical

  • Accounting




 Tom - Provided updates from Cephlacon

on GGUS:

Site reports



We continue with our handwavey observations about CEPH appearing to create work for itself by shuffling data around apparently unprovoked and XRootD connection handling seeming, for lack of more information, weird (so weird Gerard is working in an orchastrated restart script for the gateways). An example of the weird handling, after not being touched over Christmas spot the point where we restarted the xrootd services:


We’re pencilling out the design for a fresh batch of gateways, we probably don’t have the infrastructure to go full 100Gb so we’re settling on a “3 NIC design”, where two 25Gb internal (i.e. cluster + cephfs traffic) NICs are either bonded, or a NIC is dedicated to the CephFS mount. Some (handwavey as always) concerns about inter- network card traffic.




 Action items

How to replace the original functionality of fstream monitoring, now opensearch has replaced existing solutions.




