Non aqualon-ed configuration setup on davs gateways config

Non aqualon-ed configuration setup on davs gateways config

Installing Buffer optimised code on Webdav aliased hosts

Currently the Webdav optmised code is build as a set of library files (rather than packages as an RPM), and updated xrootd cfg files.


Latest configuration

Current / testing

  • 33dfdd3_2 ; latest version running on the gateways; no known issues (aside from the generally observed stability problems).




Library files

The necessary library files are:

libXrdCeph-5.so libXrdCephPosix.so libXrdCephPosix.so.0 libXrdCephPosix.so.0.0.1 libXrdCephXattr-5.so

And are put into their own directory, so not to overwrite the standard files.



Below COMMIT refers to a directory containing the required library files for XrdCeph. While it doesn't have to refer to the commit version, it's probably sensible that it does.


COMMIT=33dfdd3_2 cd ~/bufferCode/${COMMIT} mkdir /usr/local/lib64/xrootd_buffer chown xrootd:xrootd -R /usr/local/lib64/xrootd_buffer cd .. cp -r ${COMMIT} /usr/local/lib64/xrootd_buffer/. systemctl edit xrootd@proxy.service --full # change line to this: LimitNOFILE=655360 cd /etc/xrootd # udpate the xrootd-proxy.cfg and xrootd-ceph.cfg files systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart xrootd@proxy && systemctl restart xrootd@ceph

# noquattor the host

echo "WebDav Optimisations" > /etc/noquattor



Example of the proxy config file; not there are host-specific lines




Example of the ceph config file; note there might be host-specific lines