Client Token tests
Client Token tests
install htgettoken-1.20-1.osg36.el8.x86_64
eval `oidc-agent`
if setting up the first time:
oidc-gen -w device <username>
connect to https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/ for dteam
set max scopes
go to the link provided and enter the OTP code
create a password
if you’ve already created a username
oidc-add <username>
enter the password
( export BEARER_TOKEN=$(oidc-token --scope=offline_access --scope=storage.read:/ --time=3600 cms_katy) ; unset X509_USER_PROXY ; gfal-stat davs://ceph-dev-gw4.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:1094/atlas:scratchdisk/rucio/user/jwalder/test/test1M ; )
storage permissions are storage.read, storage.modify and storage.create.
if for some reason this fails when it should work, create a new user (with the above setup instruction)