TWiki Legacy - NoAquilonXrootdInstallationAndSetup

Setting up a VM for XrdCeph development without aquilon

  1. Download and unzip the archive attached to this page, preferably into a new folder in the VM

  2. Copy certBundle.p12 (exported x509 certificate) into the folder

  3. run sudo bash [x509_certificate_name]

  4. run bash

  5. if restarting the shell, run scl enable devtoolset-9 bash


Files included in

  • ceph-el7-x86_64.repo, ceph-el7-noarch.repo
    yum repositories for ceph

  • softwarecollections.repo
    devtoolset repo. CentOS 7 (Scientific Linux) does not have native repositories for C++ versions above 11. Devtoolset has higher versions for GCC and C++
    Devtoolset-9 is currently recommended (C++ 14). Higher versions can throw warnings or syntax errors for some libraries in XrootD

  • xrootd-stable-slc7.repo, xrootd-ceph-scd-el7-x86_64.repoXrootD repositories

  • Sets up repositories and installs prerequisite packages (installs ver. 5.3.3 currently), then creates .pem files from the x509 certificate If the certificate name is added as parameter. Running the script with no additional parameters only installs the packages.

    Copies the certificates to the .globus directory. DO NOT run as root, as the path locations are based on the user home