2024-9-19 Meeting Notes


Sep 19, 2024



  • @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)

  • @Alexander Rogovskiy

  • @Thomas Byrne

  • @Alastair Dewhurst

  • @Brij Jashal

  • Lancs: Matt, Steven, Gerard

  • Glasgow:

  • Edinburgh: Rob C


  • @James Walder







  • List of Epics

  • New tickets

  • Consider new functionality / items

  • Detailed discussion of important topics

  • Site report activity


 Discussion topics

Current status of Echo Gateways / WNs testing

Recent sandbox’s for review / deployments:










Operational Issues
Gateways and WNs:
- Current status and upcoming changes

(Gateway Auth failures)

@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)


Saturation on the external gateways caused by above average background load and multihop transfers to antares. To investigate VO workflow provenance.

subset of gateways on 5.7.1


Compilation and rollout status with XrdCeph and rocky 8: 5.7.x

@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)

All (external gateways) on 5.7.0 now, being upgraded to 5.7.1

batch still on 5.5.4; to upgrade to 5.7.1 (with proxy cache patch) with Tom Birkett time.

5.7.1 will have FD and memory fixes.as well as improvements for the XCache


XrootD Workshop plan

@Alastair Dewhurst

@Katy Ellis


discussed at the storage meeting

Xrootd 6 is coming

xrdceph is getting merged back into core xrootd



@Katy Ellis

all the batch farm wn connected fine

shoveler is meant to run on the same host as the gw to avoid UDP packet loss


Deletion studies through RDR

@Ian Johnson






RAL deletions are within allowed times for ATLAS tests currently




WN changes

@Alexander Rogovskiy

https://github.com/xrootd/xrootd/issues/2308 now in 5.7.1 (and patched 5.7.0).
To be deployed over first 2 weeks of October


Xrootd testing framework


testing VM to be set up and be used for preprod testing

Rob C - working on kubernetes deployment component

Unit tests for xrootd (added since 5.7.0)

ctest -VV -C Release -DCDASH=1 -DCOVERAGE=1 -S test.cmake
CDASH sends the test to the xrootd cdash server https://my.cdash.org/index.php?project=XRootD
run as non root



XrootD gateway specs


100Gb NICs
current usage
25Gb NIC
memory use of xrootd process ~25-35GB
context switch ~800kHz
CPU load ~10-20


SKA Gateway box

@James Walder



Future developments ideas planning work

@Ian Johnson @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)


Tokens Status


To split this into Operational aspects and any development / long-term planning aspects.

technical implementation to accept tokens is in place, issues seem to be due to VO use cases on scheduling and accounting


Checksums fixes

@Alexander Rogovskiy @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)

There is a github issue open to merge this upstream https://github.com/xrootd/xrootd/issues/2338





on GGUS:

Site reports

Lancaster: Updated to xrootd 5.7.1. using less file descriptors (~2/3 as before)



Updated to 5.7.1 on lunchtime on the 4th.



Ox - Stageout failures to Echo with timeouts https://bigpanda.cern.ch/job?pandaid=6338129522 with exact error
“Error description: pilot, 1151: File transfer timed out during stage-in: mc21_13p6TeV:EVNT.29070483._000105.pool.root.1 from RAL-LCG2-ECHO_DATADISK, copy command timed out: TimeoutException: Timeout reached, timeout=448 seconds')]:failed to transfer files using copytools=['rucio']”







 Action items




