2024-06-06 Meeting Notes
Jun 6, 2024
@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)
Tom Byrne
Alex R
Lancs: Gerard, Matt, Steven
Glasgow: Sam,
@James Walder
List of Epics
New tickets
Consider new functionality / items
Detailed discussion of important topics
Site report activity
Discussion topics
Current status of Echo Gateways / WNs testing
Recent sandbox’s for review / deployments:
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Operational Issues | @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC) | RALPP/Oxford issue upgrade hiccups OXFORD bash-4.2$ xrdcp -f -d1 root://t2xcache01.physics.ox.ac.uk//root://ceph-svc21.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:1094/atlas:datadisk/rucio/mc15_13TeV/78/3e/EVNT.04972714._000026.pool.root.1 test4 to check checksums for this file? xrd version on oxford? 5.6.3 RALPP |
CHEP Abstract ideas | @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC) | (awaiting acceptance notifications) |
XrootD Workshop plan | @Alastair Dewhurst | The workshop agenda and registration page can be found at: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1386888/ We would kindly ask you to consider contributing to the workshop in the following areas:
We encourage you to submit the title of your talk, along with how much time you would like to have to present it, using the form at https://indico.cern.ch/event/1386888/abstracts/ . Should the title not be sufficiently explanatory, please include a sentence or two of context. data pipeline for another project in SCD (FTS/xrootd/antares) |
Oxford Xcache issues |
| discussed above |
Rocky 8 and 9 migration planning |
| all gateways except the gridftp ones are upgraded, 1 of the managers is upgraded |
Shoveller | @Katy Ellis |
| |
Future developments ideas planning work | @Ian Johnson @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC) |
| |
Deletion studies through RDR | @Ian Johnson
Deletions |
| |
Planning for ALICE CMSD redirection | @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC) | tests to be done |
Checksums fixes | @Alexander Rogovskiy @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC) | WNs are currently redirecting checksums to external gws |
Prefetch studies and WN changes | @Alexander Rogovskiy | ipv6 DNS poisoning attempted, but rolled back nullfs testing for xcache hit rate - full scale test on WN TBD |
Tokens Status | @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC) @Katy Ellis |
CMSD Load balancing | @Thomas Byrne @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC) |
SKA Gateway box | @James Walder |
| |
Xrootd testing framework | @Mariam Demir |
on GGUS:
Site reports
Lancaster: Not much to report, we’re unhappy with some of the behaviour we’re seeing in Ceph but haven’t quite put our finger on the issues yet.
slow backfill on new osd
We’re working on how best to separate LSST from Grid without just spinning up a new set of xroot servers for them.
migration to alma8 on monday, later to pacific > pacific+adm
Action items