2024-01-25 Meeting Notes


Jan 25, 2024


  • @Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)

  • @Alexander Rogovskiy

  • @Thomas Byrne

  • Lancs: Steven, Gerard, Matt

  • Glasgow: Sam






  • List of Epics

  • New tickets

  • Consider new functionality / items

  • Detailed discussion of important topics

  • Site report activity


 Discussion topics

Current status of Echo Gateways / WNs testing

Recent sandbox’s for review / deployments:










Operational Issues

@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)

packet loss on perfsonar?




Gateways and WNs:
- Current status and upcoming changes

@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC)

stable status currently

  • tokens have been deployed for cms/atlas (additional patch for restricting scope foo \ foobar rejection )

  • checksum library

  • prefetch off on WNs

To resist installing 5.6.4; before the break, one sets of sets (TPC transfers) was failing against another site. To repeat the tests and see

Rocky 8 for the Gateways (@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC) working on a initial setup).


bugfix for calculating striper objects in direct reads



passed test on gw8 and code reviewed


ECHO File transfer / throughput studies

@Katy Ellis

Tests of per-file transfer writes into Echo.
A new Jira is set up to track these changes: https://stfc.atlassian.net/browse/XRD-80
Updates presented at Liaison meeting yesterday.
Preliminary results from iperf3 testing:


tests ongoing on svc20 and gw8
Some results are summarized in the slides here:


Checksums fixes

@Alexander Rogovskiy

Status and plans for improving Checksumming work …


(Sandbox prepared and applied to GW8)


Prefetch studies and WN changes

@Alexander Rogovskiy

Sandbox ready and applied to 1 WN, pending envroinment variable for timeout increase


Deletion studies through RDR

@Ian Johnson

continuining with mixed results,

previous set was 500 files

5000 files could not get uploaded, wasn’t completed after 20+ hrs (seems to have been a bad time - last Tuesday)

100 X 1GB deletion in 5 s

check with Alessandra on rucio deletion concurrency (for DC24)

ceph is performing better at the moment


Tokens testing

@Thomas, Jyothish (STFC,RAL,SC) @Katy Ellis




Understanding CMSD Loadbalancing

@Thomas Byrne

explore different load balancing scheme (weighted placement)

testing in internal cluster? how to measure improvements? more instrumented current version to measure improvement

things look ~ok at the moment so lower in priority


SKA Gateway box

@James Walder


Architectural review ‘hackathon’


Plan the process for the Architectural planning of XRootD across the External Gateways and WNs


2024 Planning


JW to prepare a summary of the plans for 2024



on GGUS:

Site reports

Lancaster - Unbalanced redirector issues from last week just disappeared… Currently disabled tokens for the reasons.

Glasgow - relatively stable, few network issues. OS/Ceph version update to do.




 Action items

  • @James Walder to schedule a ‘hackathon’ within a F2F to have a session on architectural planning.

  • @James Walder to prepare an outline of the expected roadmap for XRootD developments in 2024.


